Undanfarið hefur Lútin predikað það að númer eitt sé að ná heilsu og bata og málið sé bara að mæta á staðinn og vera til staðar. Standa sig. Jeeeá. En núna er kominn nýr hressilegur tónn í kallinn á bjargbrúninni og hér boðar hann næstu viku:
29 march
Passion and appetite--what a week!
the highest manifestations
will show up as
as the expression of loving, physical affection
and lush, lavish creativity
great for slurping down hot food,too,
and engaging in big gambles
could be really a greedy and stubborn moment too
gotta talk money now
sometimes big money
when Venus in Taurus meets Mars in Leo
29 march
Passion and appetite--what a week!
the highest manifestations
will show up as
as the expression of loving, physical affection
and lush, lavish creativity
great for slurping down hot food,too,
and engaging in big gambles
could be really a greedy and stubborn moment too
gotta talk money now
sometimes big money
when Venus in Taurus meets Mars in Leo