mjá og ég má til með að kvóta hér í Michael Lutin:


Facing it is tough

Embracing it even tougher

Especially when you're squeezed into a tight spot

the way you are now

TIGHT SPOT isn't even the word.

You wake up in the middle of the night

and that THING

is sitting there on your chest, drooling and grinning

daring you to b e courageous

but the trick is to turn that anxiety into success

which you can do right now

if you move ahead with humble heart and clear mind


Leo---cash flow and financial integrity

Pisces--relationships with annoying, selfish but attractive people

Gemini---the tight-knit family that wasn't exactly a family

Aries--seeking satisfaction despite a day job

Sagittarius---confrontation with authorities and your own ambition

Taurus---the triumph of love over heartache

Libra---inner discpline over self-torture

Cancer--living -two lives

Scorpio--- letting some friends go, exploring new avenues

Virgo--- your whole entire life

Capricorn---focusing the mind

Aquarius---the prospect of the brevity of life



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