er með sunnudag í höfðinu, þekur allt innviði og mér finnst eins og það hafi verið sunnudagur í gær og að á morgun komi nýr sunnudagur. bara himinn, haf og sunnudagur. annars væri það bara fínt að hafa sunnudaga næstu daga. mér finnst þessi þjóð alveg ferlega fötluð á stundum. og þannig líður mér núna. eitthvað brotið og breiskt sem reynir að fúnkera. hugsar bara jæja það er ekkert hægt að eyða skemmdinni svo þá er bara best að fíla hana, standast hana, verða hún, lifa hana út. sunnudagur í höfðinu. engin messa bara sunnudagur og lutin segir:
it cannot have escaped you that your life is about to change
in different ways for all people
so we can't make one blanket statement for everyone
except to say that all you have to do is think about
where you have been for the last fifteen or so years
and how that is so over
it's scary
but don't worry
it's just another new movie role you have to bone up for
and you're moving straight toward it
it cannot have escaped you that your life is about to change
in different ways for all people
so we can't make one blanket statement for everyone
except to say that all you have to do is think about
where you have been for the last fifteen or so years
and how that is so over
it's scary
but don't worry
it's just another new movie role you have to bone up for
and you're moving straight toward it