friday 30 june
until just after midnight edt (afternoon in Asia)
the Moon is void in Leo after trining pluto
this is a lot of fire
and fire always means people DO THINGS
it foreshadows the next couple of weeks
with Mars in Leo alwso it is clear that
there is no inertia
whatever you were expecting to happen
has happened and now you ahve to move foward
act even pro-actively
this amoutn of fire lasts while Mars spproach Pluto
and in the next week or so,
besides te world hostility
you have to take action in your life
just go in the direction of the future
no matter what the outcome
you can't sit around and assess it, worry about it,
obsess over it or second guess the outcome
you have to act in good conscience
but act you must
já það er stundum sem herra lutin hittir naglann á höfuðið
eða já, hvað skal segja.
það er svo ósköp þungt yfir mér og ég sé aðeins nokkrar mínútur fram í tímann sem sumir segja kannski vera hið besta mál. lifa í núinu og bla bla. en mér finnst þetta bara óþægilegt í augnablikinu.
until just after midnight edt (afternoon in Asia)
the Moon is void in Leo after trining pluto
this is a lot of fire
and fire always means people DO THINGS
it foreshadows the next couple of weeks
with Mars in Leo alwso it is clear that
there is no inertia
whatever you were expecting to happen
has happened and now you ahve to move foward
act even pro-actively
this amoutn of fire lasts while Mars spproach Pluto
and in the next week or so,
besides te world hostility
you have to take action in your life
just go in the direction of the future
no matter what the outcome
you can't sit around and assess it, worry about it,
obsess over it or second guess the outcome
you have to act in good conscience
but act you must
já það er stundum sem herra lutin hittir naglann á höfuðið
eða já, hvað skal segja.
það er svo ósköp þungt yfir mér og ég sé aðeins nokkrar mínútur fram í tímann sem sumir segja kannski vera hið besta mál. lifa í núinu og bla bla. en mér finnst þetta bara óþægilegt í augnablikinu.